Warhammer and Warhammer 40K

Many of you will be familiar with Games Workshop and their Warhammer brand games. I have collected a few miniatures from both, Age of Sigmar and Warhammer 40,000. I don’t tend to play it and have not started collecting any of their other ranges as of yet. No doubt, within a couple of years of regular playing in a local games club, I shall be adding them on.

Although Warhammer: Age of Sigmar and Warhammer 40,000 (basically fantasy and science fiction genres) is listed as a tabletop role playing game, it needs a big table or multiple tables put together for the optimum playing experience which will keep you occupied for several hours. Games Workshop have a huge amount of Lore and their own publishing house spanning decades, I would not be able to summarise it.

There are generally two players, each with a selection of miniatures and a lot of d6 (6 sided dice) to roll. Their selection would be their army, scaled to suit the space available. In this respect, the player is the general and deploys and moves troops with the ultimate goal of total annihilation. Combat actions and results are determiined by rolling multiple dice and multiple dice-rolls.

There are many special or additional actions characters can take and all would be detailed on the character sheets (known as War Scrolls or Data Cards.) It can be a simple game, with just the movement and battle basics but on a greater scale it can be very intimidating, but after experience and familiarity, the flow of the game is more fluent and therefore more enjoyable.

Below, images of the most recent and largest miniature I have painted and it took me ages. I concentrated on a lot of minor details, for example, inbetween the scales of the dragon you may notice little lines and doing each one took the most time as you would expect.