Analysing the reasons for Pro-Crastination

Well, time for my annual blog as it seems. Throughout the year I have brought procrastination to a new level. Although, I have eventually completed a first draft for Warriors of the Goddess. Now trying to knock out the Magically Enchanted and Diamond Encrusted Holy Pint Mug. I have learned recently (all it took was an essay off the cuff when questioning my motivations or lack of motivations.) One main reason for my entire lack of progress, which I managed to convince myself, is having a cluttered mind.

For example, I have caught myself continually reading all WIP I had, unable to decide which one to work on. I have bought research books across many different Mythos and Pantheons, and all that has done has raised new questions. Such as; Where can I use this God/Goddess, What was he civilisation like and how can I create a story incorporating this?

It has led to many different starts, many different ideas. I have many one page documents of work I would like to accomplish. Then I always come back to the query “Which one shall I do?”

The answer is, the first one on the list. Let me explain; Grab a pen/pencil/keyboard and a page/screen and write a list of everything you want to write about now. Get at least ten down. Now, work on the first one, tick it off, and do the next. Revisions and rewrites can be done later, when the initial thoughts are on paper. That way you can choose which one you enjoyed the most and focus on it.

I would come up with some cheesy new year’s resolution or something, but the fact is, it is not a new resolution. It is catching up on what you haven’t done yet. If any new years resolution has to be made, it would be “Finish what you are doing so you can genuinely create a new years resolution for the beginning of next year.”

Oh, and check your spelling…

The Blog and Webpage Update

As it so happens, i have now succeeded in getting more familiar with this wordpress engine and it makes more sense. now I have up dated all pages and links I currently intend to have. Under Anthoni C. Deymt, there is a lot of information, links to self published work and some free stories are available. In The Mini’s section, I have added all the pages, I just need to merge and downscale some photos to save on web page loading time. It is by no means every picture of my collections. Only a few specific starter pics to get an idea. More will be added as time goes on and I become increasingly familiar with the web page engine and process. I hope to make this blog more suited to painting and writing tips and advice once I am happy with the entire site and can plan and write these inserts in advance (rather than the gibber jabbering I am doing now.)

Website rehash

After much contemplation, and guilt over being so slack with this web page, I decided to rehash it with images of Mini’s I painted and share, with you, more about myself. I will be doing a duo kind of page, one side about tabletop gaming and painting, the other side about stories written and in development. Over the past few years, I have not really been serious about this. I kept forgetting about it and never came up with ideas for blogs as I kept panicking about not writing when I should be, using painting as a form of meditation and general work, employment and living concerns. The procrastination is getting me nowhere, so for 2021, I have decided I need to buckle up and buckle down, do some writing, do some painting and share it with you all. So wish me success and hope to see you again with regular updates.

Moving up in the world.

I have discovered an easy way to self-publish. I now have three books available as either an ebook or a print on demand paperback book. Very excited to bring a physical copy to the bookshelves. What I have learned about the process, is that planning and research is key. There were choices to make which had to be “off the cuff” regarding cover, image and style. But the easiest way I find to critique and evaluate my products is to have a physical copy. It just seems easier to see truly and to analyse objectively when it is not on a screen. After some experimentation, I feel I will be able to build up a brand and an identity as an author before the dreaded marketing techniques need full time attention and an update to the Bio.


Well, when the professionals say, it takes a lot of perseverance, they were not joking. Only one reply so far, it could be the story, the synopsis or the initial e-mail. It really needs to catch an agents eye. Unfortunately, Solyorn has suffered over time. There have been many competitions I have written for and submitted. Still awaiting responses, they have long lead times. I will concentrate on a particularly gruesome short story to submit for the Writers of the Future. Then I will need to create a book cover for Skunk Valournte and self-publish it. I have decided to concentrate on writing short stories to build up the world. In a few months, I hope to have the first Solyorn anthology on Smashwords.

Agents and Publishers

At long last, Skunk Valournte has been completed. It has taken a toll on everything at home, from kids time to Job seeking time to Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild playing time. I have begun to contact publishers and agents. It has been recommended that you do not do a major push to multiple recipients at once. A couple at a time, as they do take up to 6-8 weeks for a response. In the meantime, I will finish a few other projects, not Solyorn related until I can get some feedback. Please keep an eye out on There is one novella I started years ago, in a similar style to the one and only Robert Rankin and his Now Legendary Brentford Trilogy, all 6 books.

Here we are

Now I have three stories ready for download at Please read a sample and leave any comments and judgements you may have in the first 25% of the story. I know it will work if you are inclined to spend a little for the rest. My time will now be devoted in getting the first novel in Solyorn out and ready, coupled with driving lessons, children, work and another graduation ceremony I am obliged to attend.


Timing for you

Here we are again. I am pleased to announce my first shortstory is published on Smashwords. It is an updated work from a few years back. I have edited “Ancestral Vengeance” and that will be published again shortly. In the meantime, “Bastion of Chaos” is taking the “post-degree- treatment.”

Publishing timing can drag on, there is always something new or something small that needs an adjustment.

But timing is also important for your stories. For example, there was a passage in one of my university assignments. It featured an attack from a flying bat. I made the mistake that the protagonist, whose point of view I was writing in, was watching the bat dive to attack. In real life, it would be very quick to complete the action. As it should be as you describe the action. The protagonist, saw the bat swooping, and then proceeded to tell the reader what it looked like, how sharp the teeth were, what movements the bats claws were making, how large it is and what odd facial features the bat had. That took a good paragraph for the description. It really slowed the action down, there the protagonist was, watching a swooping bat which may mean her death, and she has the time to make the observations how?

As you read action, it should be described in a way where you are following it as you read. There is plenty of time for observations before or after.

As you work, think, how fast is this happening from the point of view of the character/narrator?